Elmley Castle C.E. First School

Elmley Castle C.E. First School

A Little Piece Of Heaven On Earth

Main Street, Elmley Castle, Worcestershire, WR10 3HS


01386 710279

Oak class


A Warm Welcome to the Webpage for Oak Class!

We are a Reception and Year 1 class.

Our Class Teacher is Mr Burke and his e-mail address is aburke@elmleycastle.worcs.sch.uk

Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Shuard.

Please can children wear their PE kits to school every Tuesday and Friday.

We will have Forest School every other Thursday, however we will also go out and explore the weather as part of our curriculum so please ensure appropriate Forest School clothes are in school at all times.

Reading is really important to us. We ask that you hear your child read at least 5 times per week. This can be as little as one or two pages each time, or a full book. Please leave a comment in the reading record every time.

We request that all children bring their reading books to school every day, so they can read with an adult frequently in school.

Reading is important to us in Oak Class. To help us learn how to read, we have a phonics lesson every day.

If you would like to hear how we pronounce each of the sounds, please click here.

If you would like to use the same phonics vocabulary that we use in school, you can download a phonics glossary below.

For more information on how we teach phonics, click the Sounds-Write logo above.

Writing/Reading Support

Topic Web

Maths Knowledge Organisers

Reception: Spring 2

Year 1: Spring 1

Science Knowledge Organiser

History Knowledge Organiser

Music Knowledge Organiser

Games We Like To Play:

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